How to Remove Lace Wig Glue Safely and Quickly?

When it comes to how to remove lace wig glue from your head quickly without hurting your edges, lots of girls have doubts and wanted to know the answers. Pulling wig off your head directly can be painful and it can easily cause the inflation of your skin.  So today we will share with you some tips to help you remove the lace wig glue quickly. 

Method 1: use warm water to remove lace wig glue 

Rinse a towel or tissue into warm water and use that to wipe the lace glue area on your forehead while tearing the lace wig gently away from your head. You can also put some salt, soda, tea tree oil or olive oil into the water and mix it evenly with warm water. Then you can pull the mixed water into an empty bottle and spray the mixure around your hairline. After that, you can wear a wig cap on and let the water get into your hair  for about 10-15 mins. Through this method, the lace wig can be removed easily and safely.  
This method is the most gentle and natural one without hurting or pulling your hair roughly , but it is also a little bit time consumsing. You need to mix the water and spary it and the wear a cap to wait for the glue to disslove naturally. 
After that, you can continue to use the oil or grab a napkin or tissue to remove the residues on your forehead. It can come off easily since the mixture has been around your hairline and it won't take much efforts to clean your forehead. 
 on hair wigcap on head

Method2 :Use some chemcial products to remove the wig glue 

There are lots of different chemcial products to use if you want the glue to get off quickly and fast. But some of the chemcial products are not suggested since it will hurt your edges in some way. 

1. The most common chemical is acetone. Some girls might know that the nail polish remover nail contains iso-acetone . The acetone-containing nail polish is the most effective solvent,so it can have the same great results if you are using it to remove the lace wig glue. But since it has some damage so pregnant women should not use it. 

2.Use rubbing alcohol. According to some girls, Rubbing alcohol can remove the glue from the skin easily. Spray it around the hair edge and  wear  a shower cap and wait for about 5-10 mins. 

After removing the lace wig glue on your forehead, you might also need to remove the wig residue on the lace. One method which has been proven to be a quite effective way to remove the glue residue on the lace is using the hand soap in your bathroom. Pour some hand soap onto the lace part of the wig and rub it and let it melt with the glue residue. Then grab a toothbrush and use the toothbrush to remove the glue residue, you will find the glue residue can easily come off. 

You can repeat this process until you remove all the glue residue on the lace part of the human hair wig, then you can wash the whole wig. There is a kind reminder about washing human hair wig is that please comb it gently and follow the hair direction without causing unnecessary shedding. 

After washing the lace front wig, you can wrap the wig using a towel and gently press it to get the extra moisuture out. Then you can put the wig onto a doll head and let it air dry. Till this point, the whole process of removing wig glue is done. You can get a perfectly clean human hair wig again!!

If you are looking for get some really nice and cute human hair wigs, please click here to learn more. 

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