How to Start Your Hair Business?


How to start a hair business and start to sell human hair extensions or human hair wigs? 

If you are so eager to know the answers and want to continue reading, you must be ready to start your human hair business now or you are having the idea of starting an online human hair business. 

We have been asked so many times about how to start a hair extensions business, how to start selling wigs? Since we have been in this hair business for over 10 years, we have helped so many entreprenuers to start selling human hair wigs successfully. We can tell you that this process is not easy and sometimes it can painful since it involves a lot of things including finding the wholesale hair vendors, confirming your pricelist for your wigs and bundles, designing your logo and your custom hair packaging,getting your first sale, managing the shipping and dealing with customer issues, etc. 

We have concluded several points that you might be interested in and will help you to get a clear understanding that how the whole process looks like and how you can get started with the hair brand. 

1. Confirm your business Name, Logo and Design

It might sound a small thing to you, but actually it is really important in such strong competition. 

In regards of the brand name, there are usually 2 kinds of brand name, a speficic name and a general name. 

A specific name is a name which people can easily recognize what you do. Because your brand name has contain the keywords and once people see your brand name, they will know what you are selling. For example, if your brand name is XXX Hair Extensions. Everybody will know that you are selling human hair extensions or at least you are doing business related with human hair wigs or human hair extensions.

A General name is name which is so common that the first sight of it won't help you get any idea of what this business is about. For example, if you name your business RED BOX. It litereally means nothing at first to your audience, because it can mean anything. Using this name, you can decide to sell whatever you want other than hair extensions or wigs. Maybe right now you are looking to start a human hair business, but when your hair business get bigger, you might want to broaden your product line and start to sell 3D mink eyelashes, bonnest, headbands, nails, etc. Since all your clients who consume human hair wigs or human hair extensions are more likely to buy those stuff together and it is quite natural for you to gain sales with the same audience. 

If you are looking to build your brand and grow it bigger and keep it in a long run, a general brand name seems like a better choice. 

Once your confirmed your business name, the next thing you need to do is to check if that name has been trademarked in US or whatever market you are in. If they are already registered by another company, then you have to start with another new name. 

And the another way is to checking Google and search the brand name you came up with to see if anybody else has been using it. 

So our kind suggestions are that you can come up with a dozens of brand names by brainstorming or asking the ideas from your family members or friends and write it down. And you can also use some business name generators to generate business name by putting your industry and let the website offer you some details. 

This is the first step for business names. 

2. Find Human Hair Vendor 

Finding a good human hair wig supplier is really the most difficult part for a beginner in hair business. Because there are so many scammers out there and it takes a lot of trial and error to find a trustworthy hair vendor.

There are so many places to find good human hair suppliers, including google, youtube, instagram, facebook, pinterest. But you have to follow certain process. Next, we will introduce briefly what we suggest you do if you are totally new to this hair business. 

1. Get the contact of the human hair supplier, talk with them directly. Most of Chinese suppliers use Whatsapp to talk with wholesale customers, so make sure you download that app if you didn't use them. Here is the whatsapp link of us if you are interested in getting into the hair business. .

2. Ask for the video and pictures of the human hair extensions or human hair wigs you are interested in getting and pricelist for them. This part is quite easy, most of the suppliers can send you. But the key part here is that you need to make sure you are talking to the real person, not scammers, so you have to request for video chat and see the person on live with hair and check the environment around. It is never too much to be cautious in business. 

For bridger hair, we would love to video chat with all customers and show them what we have and help you get your business running. 

3. Test the hair quality first

Everyone at start up stage don't have much capital to play with, so we have to be careful. You can place an order of 2 or 3 bundles to test the quality or only 1 wig to see how is the service, communication, processing time, delivery time. 

Then you can install the hair extensions or wigs you getting from them and try it on for 2 months and see how is the hair holding up. If it is good quality and the price is nice , then you are done, but it is not that good, then you have to keep on searching until you find the right vendor for your business. 

This is the whole process for finding human hair supplier. 

Last, we forgot to mention about genuine advice from us is that it is better that you go for human hair suppliers from China, Vietnam, India rathan than US distributors. The reasons are that most of the human hair suppliers for human hair extenisons and human hair wigs are located in the above Asian countries.

If you go to those American distributors for the human hair wigs or bundles, it is quite likely that you will be paying for higher price becasue they have imported the hair from us and added their profit and sell to you. So you can get a better price from a China factory like us if you are willing to try. 

We welcome customers to Facetime with us to check out our factory or you can come to visit us. Also, we provide the sample kit for new customers.

3. Dropshipping Hair Business Model

When you are just starting your hair business, you are always scared and don't have enough cash on hand. You don't have enough money to deal with all the things, including the logo, the custom packaging, a website. After that, you won't have enough money to buy the stock and even you do some fund, there are still a lot of choices to be made,  because there are too many length, origin, color for human hair extensions or wigs.
What matters the most is you might not get a sale and you don't want to put yourself in such a stressful situation. However, if you are still eager for this million-dollar industry, Bridger Hair is here for you.
Dropshipping is a business model that your hair supplier will send your order (your hair wigs) to your customers directly. So you don't need to keep stock when you don't have a sale. Only when you have a sale, you can use the money you got from the customer to buy hair and make profit directly. 
You don't have to keep any inventory. You don't have to ship the order. You don't have to do any of that annoying stuff except getting the profit.
You only need to list what you want to sell, no matter hair bundles or wigs, you just list there and set the price and market it. When you get sales, you just come to us and place an order and then we will ship the hair directly to your customer. 
When placing order, you also can leave note that you are dropshipping and ask us that do not put any brand name of us and take pics before sending hair out. So you don't need to touch the product by yourself, but you just make profit from it. 

4. Promote Your Brand

Actually the biggest part and the biggest issue for any business is marketing.

Your have to find your audience and present your hair products in front of the right audience and you keep showing up with your products and then finally you will make a sale. 

There are different promotion methods, there are free ways and also paid ways. 

For free ways, you can post your hair products on your facebook timeline, your instagram account, your youtube channel. If you say, I don't have it. Then you have to create those first. Because these days social media is everywhere and we live on social media. 

Try business instagram account, create some Youtube videos introducing your knowledge about hair products, some basic hair tutorials you can handle, have some facebook lives on your page, talk with your audience. Then you will get your sale. 

5. Take Your Time and Build Your Hair Buiness

Was Rome built in a day? Absolutely not. So don't think your business is going to be successful overnight. It could take three weeks; it could take three months; it could take three years. We worked with a lot of people and they freak out when they don't get a sale in the first week or the first two weeks.


The first two months are always going to be the hardest months ever especially if you don't have a client because you have to make the Instagram for the hair company; getting those followers; having people to trust your brand and believing in your brand is not a scam or your hair quality is good. You are going to work towards all of that.


But to be honest, you need to have a mind for boss to keep it pushing and going because not every day you are going to wake up with orders. There is no 5 to 6 orders waiting for you every day. You need to work hard to get those orders like follow people back on Instagram and DM them; if you see other hair companies as well looking for wholesale, email them like a professional. In these two months, you are not going to get any sleep because you are going to constantly be stressed out about the whole things like not getting customers right away; what can I do different and keep posting videos to promote your brand. We can tell you that people that you know from church are not going to be buying from you. They would rather buy somebody whose price is more expensive than yours. You are just watching them money. So keep that in mind! 


If you have any questions or inquiries, please feel free to contact us, email:  and we will surely get back to you with lots of ideas and solutions. 

1 comment

I would like to dropship from your website

Lanitra davis March 23, 2022

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